Page:Johns's notable Australians 1908.djvu/64

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John Gollan, Chief Manager of the National Bank of Australasia, Ltd. He entered the service of the Bank of Scot- land at Inyerness in 1861, and arrived in Adelaide in 1866, when he joined the Na- tional Bank. Eight years later he was ap- pointed Accountant of the Bank In Adelaide, a position he held for nineteen years. In 1898 he became Manager of the Bank in Adelaide, and in December 1896 Acting Chief Manager at the Head Office, Melbourne during the absence through illness of Frank Grey Smith. On the return of his Chief in July, 1897, Mr. Addison was appointed Assistant Chief Manager, and in February 1901, on the death of Mr. Smith, Chief Manager. Addrw — National Bank of Aus- tralasia, Collins Street, Melbourne. ADBXSOV, Walter Oolman, Lieutenant, Winner of The King's Prize at Bisley July 20, 1907; b. at Middleton, South Austra- lia* October 1, 1874, «. of the Hon. A. R. Addison, M.L.C. of South Australia, also a notable rifle shot. He accompanied the Commonwealth rifle team to England in 1907, and was the first Australian to win the King's Prize in the motherland. Lieut. Addison won the King's Prize twice at the South Australian National Rifle Association matches at Port Adelaide, occupied second place in the Longfleld aggregate at Rand- wick, and was within one point of winning the King's Prise in Victoria in 1904. Addrem — Oiroroo, South Australia. ATJUA2BB, Archbishop of; See OlteUy, Most Rer. John. A2>KLAU>B, Blftfcop Of; Bet Rt. Re v. Arthur Nutter.

Ainsley, Irene, New Zealand contral- to, protegee of Madame Melba.

AXBBT, Story Mrfc, O.M.G., D.8.O., CoL, late of R^.A. New South Wales, retired 1901; ft. Aug. 8, 1844, s. of Ospt H. O. Ai- rey of Kingthorpe Hall, Yorkshire, *d. Marlborongh and Royal Military Ooll. Addis- combe. Serred N.W. Frontier of India. Ar- rived in AuaL 1866, Joined N.S.W. Artillery 1878, served with Soudan Expedition 1885 (medal and clasp, Khedive Star), in Burmah 1886-7 (severely wounded, despatches, thank* ed by Governor-General of India, medal with clasp, D.8.O.), and in S. African war 1899- 1901 (commanded 1st Regt. Austn. Bushmen, despatches, medal with four clasps). O.M.G. 1900. sometime Home* Secretary for Queensland, and member of the Legislative Assembly, now member off the LegislatiTe Council; 6. st Barrow ini Furness, England, and arrived in Queenslandi as s lad with his parents, who settled stt Bundaberg. He was for several years' in the Department of Public Instruc- tion, Queensland, and is a well-known contributor of verse to the Press under the pen name of P. Luftig. UIDfi Jolut fjvtbrlo Wooe% member for Wellington East in the House ef Representatives, New Zealand, partner in the firm of Aitken, Wilson « Co., mer- chants. Is on the New Zealand Board off the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. Limited, and President of th«  T.M.C.A. at Wellington. AXOOCZ, Bnndnl Junes, of James Service * Co., merchants and importers, Melbourne ; o. Collingwood, Victoria, 1868, e. t. of Edmund Akock, a colonist since the early fifties. He left school at the age of IS and entering the employ of James Service and Co., passed through all departments of the busmeat, snd in 1886 became a partner in the firm. 8ince the death of the senior partner he snd James Ormond have conti- nued to carry on the business. He was Pre- sident of the Melbourne Chamber of Oon> mercc 1895-8, member of the Postal Board appointed in 1896 to enquire Into the work- ing of the telephone system, snd is Direc- tor of the Royal Bank of Aust., a member of the Advisory Board of the Merchants* Marine Insurance Assn. of London and also Chairman of Directors of the Mercantile Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Jddresf— 86 Kooyong-Koot Rd., Hawthorn, Victoria. AUnCAVDMm, Samuel, M.A., Professor of Logic and Moral Philosophy in the Victoria University, Manchester, since 1898 ; ft. Sydney, Jan. 6, 1859, «. of Samuel Alex- ander, and ed. Wesley Coll. Melbourne, Mel- bourne University (Exhibitioner), and BaP- liol Ooll. Oxford (Scholar 1877, first class Classical Moderations, and first class Mathematical Moderations 1879, first clan in the Final School of Li terse Humaniores, B.A. 1881, M.A. 1884), Fel- low of Lincoln College Oxford 1888-98. He was Lecturer on Philosophy at Lincoln Col- lege, 1888-8. Examiner in the Final School of Literae Humaniores 1886-8 and 1891-8;