Page:Johnson - Rambler 3.djvu/227

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N° 142.

gained by levity, having learned too late that gaiety must be recommended by higher qualities, and that mirth can never please long but as the efflorescence of a mind loved for its luxuriance, but esteemed for its usefulness.

I am, &c.


Numb. 142. Saturday, July 27, 1751.

Ἔνθα δ' ἀνὴρ ἐνίαυε πελώριος, οὐδὲ μετ' ἄλλους
Πωλεῖτ' · ἀλλ' ἀπάνευθεν ἐὼν ἀθεμίστια ᾔδη
Καὶ γὰρ θαῦμ' ἐτέτυκτο πελώριον, οὐδὲ ἐῴκει
Ἀνδρί σιτοφάγῳ.


 A giant shepherd here his flock maintains
Far from the rest, and solitary reigns,
In shelter thick of horrid shade reclin'd;
And gloomy mischiefs labour in the mind.
A form enormous! far unlike the race
Of human birth, in stature or in face.




HAVING been accustomed to retire annually from the town, I lately accepted the invitation of Eugenio, who has an estate and seat in a distant county. As we were unwilling to travel without improvement, we turned often from the direct road to please ourselves with the view of nature or of art; we examined every wild mountain and medicinal spring, criticised every edifice, contemplated every ruin, and compared every scene