Page:Johnson v. Rockwell Automation, Inc.pdf/3

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alleged that the respondents were strictly liable for Johnson's injuries; liable for negligently designing, manufacturing, and supplying the starter bucket; and liable for negligently failing to warn about the inherent risks in the design of the starter bucket. However, Rockwell averred that after the starter bucket was supplied to Eastman, Eastman modified it without Rockwell's knowledge.

In its answer, Rockwell pled that the fault of all parties should be apportioned in accordance with the Civil Justice Reform Act of 2003 (Act 649 of 2003) (CJRA), codified at Ark. Code Ann. §§ 16-55-201 to 16-55-220 (Supp. 2003), and, further, that it was entitled to "all defenses" available to it under the CJRA, including "restriction of liability to its percentage share of actual liability" and "the right to name nonparties at fault." Rockwell also filed a "Notice of Nonparty Fault," pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. § 16-55-202, designating Eastman as a nonparty at fault for a list of alleged reasons. Petitioners responded that the nonparty-fault provision, section 16-55-202 of the CJRA, violates the Arkansas Constitution under the facts of the case.

Petitioners maintained that Johnson received medical care, treatment, or services, which were necessary due to the incident and resulting injuries. While Johnson's employee medical plan paid the costs for the medical care, treatment, or services, the amount paid by the plan was less than the full amount of the costs incurred. Therefore, Petitioners sought to present evidence of the full amount of costs necessary for the medical care, treatment, or services received by Johnson, even though that amount was greater than the amount of costs actually paid by Johnson or on behalf of Johnson. However, Respondents sought to enforce
