Page:Johnsonian Miscellanies I.djvu/77

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an unpleasing incident is almost certain to hinder my rest 1 . This is the remainder of my last illness. By sleepless or unquiet nights and short days, made short by late rising the time passes away uncounted and unheeded. Life so spent is useless.

I hope to cast my time into some stated method.

To let no hour pass unemployed.

To rise by degrees more early in the morning.

To keep a Journal.

I have, I think, been less guilty of neglecting public worship than formerly. I have commonly on Sunday gone once to church, and if I have missed, have reproached myself.

I have exerted rather more activity of body. These dis positions I desire to improve.

I resolved, last Easter, to read within the year, the whole Bible, a very great part of which I had never looked upon. I read the Greek Testament without construing, and this day concluded the Apocalypse 2 . I think that no part was missed.

My purpose of reading the rest of the Bible was forgotten, till I took by chance the resolutions of last Easter in my hand. I began it the first day of lent ; and, for a time read with some regularity. I was then disturbed or seduced, but finished the old Testament last Thursday.

I hope to read the whole Bible once a year as long as I live.

Yesterday I fasted, as I have always, or commonly done, since the death of Tetty. The Fast was more painful than it has formerly been, which I imputed to some medicinal evacuations

��1 Quoted in the Life, ii. 190. He which I am not indifferent, lest some- wrote to Dr. Taylor on August 31 of thing, which I know to be nothing, this year : ' I had formerly great should fasten upon my imagination, command of my attention, and what and hinder me from sleep.' Letters, I did not like could forbear to think i. 190.

on. But of this power, which is of 2 Boswell writes of this Easter :

the highest importance to the tran- ' I paid him short visits both on

quillity of life, I have been some [sic] Friday and Saturday, and seeing his

much exhausted, that I do not go large folio Greek Testament before

into a company towards night, in him beheld him with a reverential

which I foresee any thing disagree- awe, and would not intrude upon his

able, nor enquire after any thing to time.' Life, ii. 189.


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