Page:Johnsonian Miscellanies I.djvu/93

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of him, however, I could have rid myself, but poor Thrale, orbus et exspes, came for comfort and sat till seven when we all went to Church *.

In the morning I had at Church some radiations of comfort.

I fasted though less rigorously than at other times. I by negligence poured milk into the tea, and, in the afternoon drank one dish of coffee with Thrale 2 ; yet at night, after a fit of drowsiness I felt myself very much disordered by emptiness, and called for tea with peevish and impatient eagerness. My distress was very great.

Yesterday I do not recollect that to go to Church came into my thoughts, but I sat in my chamber, preparing for pre paration ; interrupted, I know not how. I was near two hours at dinner.

I go now with hope

To rise in the morning at eight.

To use my remaining time with diligence.

To study more accurately the Christian Religion.

Almighty and most merciful Father, who hast preserved me by thy tender forbearance, once more to commemorate thy Love in the Redemption of the world, grant that I may so live the residue of my days, as to obtain thy mercy when thou shalt call me from the present state. Illuminate my thoughts with know ledge, and inflame my heart with holy desires. Grant me to resolve well, and keep my resolutions. Take not from me thy

��1 Thrale had lost his only surviving composure. There was no affecta-

son on March 23 of this year. Life, tion about him, and he talked, as

ii. 468; Letters, i. 381. Baretti usual, upon indifferent subjects.'

shows how he was both orbus et Life, iii. 18.

exspes. ' Having now lost the strong 2 ' We sat together till it was too hope of being one day succeeded in late for the afternoon service. Thrale the profitable Brewery by the only said he had come with intention to son he had left, he gave himself go to church with us. We went at silently up to his grief and fell in seven to evening prayers at St. Cle- a few years a victim to it.' Id. i. ment's church, after having drank 384, n. 2. Boswell records on this coffee; an indulgence, which I under- Good Friday : ' Mr. Thrale called stood Johnson yielded to on this upon Dr. Johnson, and appeared to occasion, in compliment to Thrale.' bear the loss of his son with a manly Ib. iii. 24.


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