Page:Jolly miller of Dee.pdf/2

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There was a jolly Miller once,
liv’d on the river Dee;
He work’d and ſung from morn till night
no lark more blithe than he:
And this the burthen of his ſoug
for ever us'd to be;
I care for nobody, no, not I,
if nobody cares for me.

A noble Lord, that liv’d hard by,
ſent for this Miller one day.
And aſk’d him various queftions,
and amongſt the reſt did ſay.
How comes it. Miller that ev’ry day
you fing with merry glee?
Quoth Ralph, I care for nobody,
if nobody cares for me.

Are you always thus contented?
to him the Lord did fay.
Ay, that I am, more happy, quoth Ralph
then folks that I live more gay:
No worldly cares diſturb my breaſt,

my wife and I agree;