Page:Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States (1st ed, 1833, vol II).djvu/335

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bers of congress, the privilege is strictly personal, and does not extend to their servants or property. It is also, in all cases confined to a reasonable time, eundo, morando, et redeundo, instead of being limited by a precise number of days. It was probably from a survey of the abuses of privilege, which for a long-time defeated in England the purposes of justice, that the constitution has thus marked its boundary with a sedulous caution.[1]

§ 860. The effect of this privilege is, that the arrest of the member is unlawful, and a trespass ab initio, for which he may maintain an action, or proceed against the aggressor by way of indictment. He may also be discharged by motion to a court of justice, or upon a writ of habeas corpus;[2] and the arrest may also be punished, as a contempt of the house.[3]

§ 861. In respect to the time of going and returning, the law is not so strict in point of time, as to require the party to set out immediately on his return; but allows him time to settle his private affairs, and to prepare for his journey. Nor does it nicely scan his road, nor is his protection forfeited, by a little deviation from that, which is most direct; for it is supposed, that some superior convenience or necessity directed it.[4] The privilege from arrest takes place by force of the election, and before the member has taken his seat, or is sworn.[5]

§ 862. The exception to the privilege is, that it shall not extend to "treason, felony, or breach of the peace."
  1. Jefferson's Manual, § 3.
  2. Id. § 3; 2 Str. 990; 2 Wilson's R. 151; Cas. Temp. Hard. 28.
  3. 1 Black. Comm. 164, 165, 166; Com. Dig. Parliament, D. 17; Jefferson's Manual, § 3.
  4. Jefferson's Manual, § 3; 2 Str. R. 986, 987.
  5. Jefferson's Manual, § 3; but see Com. Dig. Parliament, D. 17.