Page:Joseph and His Brethren A Pageant Play.djvu/173

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Scene IVThe Hall in Joseph's House

It is of light and graceful architecture. On the left is a raised platform running along the entire wall, on which, presently, Joseph's table will be set. The two doors, L., opening on to this platform. Through the one near the footlights Joseph and Asenath enter. Through the further one, there are some who are called the Servitors. The back is practically entirely open to the garden, but all the openings can be closed by rolling mats. They are closed at the rise of the curtain. The right wall also has two doors. Beyond the hall and garden there is a view of Memphis, with huge temples and still more enormous storehouses and granaries.

At the rise of the curtain, a female Slave brings on Tamai, leaves her in the center of the hall, and with an obeisance, she goes off at the left side. Immediately enter Asenath.

Asenath. What would'st thou with me, maiden?

Tamai. Bid thy lord beware of Simeon the hostage.

Asenath [Frightened] What of him?

Tamai. He hath sworn to slay thy lord.

Asenath. He is unarmed.

Tamai. Zuleikha hath given him a poisoned knife.

Asenath. Alas! Is her hatred so ruthless!

[Enter Joseph, L.]

Tamai [Sadly] She can never do any hurt again.

Asenath. What?! Is she dead?

Tamai. She is—blind.

Asenath. Oh, unhappy wretch! [To Joseph, who enters] My lord, hear what this maiden saith concerning Simeon.