Page:Journal Of The Indian Archipelago And Eastern Asia Series.i, Vol.2 (IA in.ernet.dli.2015.107695).pdf/25

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Third. Egyptian Opium occurs in round flattened cakes, about three inches in diameter, and covered externally with the vestiges of some leaf. It is distinguished from the others by its reddish colour, resembling "socotrine Aloes. " The quantity of morphia in this is inferior to the preceding. It has one quality which, when adulterated, ought to be known, that is a musty smell By keeping it does not blacken like the other kinds.

Fourth. English Opium is in flat cakes or balls enveloped in leaves. It resembles fine Egyptian Opium more than any other kind. Its colour is that of hepatic aloes, and in the quantity of morphia it is inferior to the preceding, but in the strength of the mass it is said by one of its most extensive cultivators to be superior.

Fifth. French, and sixth, German Opium, require no particular remarks. By a recent notice, I find the French are cultivating the Poppy in Algeria from which they get opium giving a small percentage of morphia.

Seventh. Trebizond or Persian Opium, is sometimes met with of a very inferior quality in the form of cylindrical sticks, which by pressure have become angular.

Eighth. Indian Opium, divided into four kinds, Cutch, Malwa, Patna and Benares. Of these, Cutch is but little known or cultivated. It occurs in small cakes covered with leaves, and its colour is much inferior to Smyrna. Malwa Opium is to be met with of two kinds. The inferior is in flattened cakes, without any external covering, dull, opaque, blackish brown externally, internally somewhat darker, and sott. Its enlour is somewhat like the Smyrna, but less powerful, and with a slight smoky smell. Superior Malwa is in square cakes about three inches in length, and one inch thick. It has the appearance of a well prepared, shining, dry, pharmaceutical extract; its colour is blackish brown, its odour less powerful then Smyrna; it is not covered by petals as the following kinds are, but smeared with oil; it is then rubbed with pounded petals.

The Behar, Patna and Benares Opium being strictly in the hands of Government, no adulteration can take place without a