Page:Journal Of The Indian Archipelago And Eastern Asia Series.i, Vol.2 (IA in.ernet.dli.2015.107695).pdf/321

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uniformly traced to opium, the instigating cause of all; and the laborers of the interior who consume their days in fatiguing toil, and constant exposure to destruction from the numerous tigers, do thus brave death only that they may obtain the means of indulging themselves in the luxury of opium smoking. Incalculably great is the bane of opium. It urges the robber to death. It hurries the labourer to destruction by the jaws of tigers. Grievous to the last degree is this fact. Philanthropists of the age does not this rend your hearts, and affect your eyes? Does it not lead you to lament their stupidity, and to contrive means by which you may rescue them?

The number of men that arrive in the Junks annually amounts to about 10,000.[1] Some of these, after remaining in Singapore a few days or months proceed to Rhio, Penang, Padang, Acheen, Java, Minto, Pahang, Malacca and other parts in the Archipelago.

In the gambier and pepper plantations there are generally 9 or 10 men employed, 12 and 13 men are considered a full complement. I have never heard of any plantation having as many as 20 men upon it.

  1. The Editor of the Singapore Free Press has obliged us with the following table shewing the number of Chinese Passengers who arrived in Singapore by the undermentioned Junks from China, from the 28th December 1847 up to the end of April 1848.
    By 17 Junks from Macao, 3,396 men.
    By 6 Junks from Chong lim, 1,446 men
    By 10 Junks from Canton, 1,426 men
    By 3 Junks from Kong moon, 637 men
    By 7 Junks from Amoy, 631 men
    By 2 Junks from Swathow, 580 men
    By 2 Junks from Hye Kow, 95 men
    By 2 Junks from Chawan, 65 men
    By 1 Junks from Chan Chew, 60 men
    By 1 Junks from Jeepoon, 48 men
    By 2 Junks from Shanghai, 43 men
    By 1 Junks from Hokeean, 32 men
    By 1 Junks from Tew Chew, 250 men
    By 55 Junks 8,709 men
    By 23 Junks from Hy lam, 320 men
    By 30 Junks from Anam, 116 men
    By 108 Junks, 9,145 men
    By 11 Square rigged Vessels, 1,330 men
    Grand Total,10,475 men.
