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Local Meetings and Other Notices. 149

for general distribution, which, it is hoped, will interest individuals and county papers, so that they may make a record of some of the folk-lore in their immediate neighborhood.

Anne Weston Whitney, Secretary.

Boston. — Friday, March 24. The Boston Branch met at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hyde Dwight, 306 Commonwealth Avenue, at 8 p. M. In the absence of Professor Putnam, Mr. W. W. Newell presided, and introduced Dr. F. N. Robinson, of Harvard University, who spoke on "The Hero Poems of Ireland." Mr. Robinson read many fine renderings from early Celtic literature. His paper was followed by a discussion which turned largely on the causes of the pathos so characteristic of Celtic literature.

Tuesday, April 18. The Boston Branch met at the Hotel Brunswick by invitation of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Leonard. In the absence of Pro- fessor Putnam, Mr. W. W. Newell presided, and introduced as the speaker of the evening Mr. Albert Morton Lythgoe, of Harvard University, who spoke on " The Arts and Crafts of the Ancient Egyptians." Mr. Lythgoe's paper was exceedingly interesting, and was illustrated by a choice collec- tion of lantern slides.

Helen Leah Reed, Secretary.

Cambridge. — The following report gives the titles of papers presented before the Cambridge Branch during the year 1898-99 : —

November 7, 1898. " The Folk-Lore of the Natives of Hawaii," by Prof. C. H. Toy, of Harvard University. Meeting at the house of Mrs. Hopkin- son, Craigie Street.

December 3. "The Religion and Customs of Australian Aborigines," by Mr. R. B. Dixon and Dr. A. G. Mayer, of Harvard University. Meeting at the house of Mrs. Batchelder, Hilliard Street.

January n, 1899. "The Folk-Songs of Poland," by Dr. Leo Wiener, of Harvard University. Meeting at the house of Miss Leavitt, Harvard Street.

February 22. " Ancient Norse Mythological Tales," by Dr. William H. Schofield, of Harvard University. Meeting at the house of Mr. Charles Peabody, Brattle Street.

March 11. " Sun Myths of America," by Dr. Franz Boas, of New York. Meeting at the house of Miss Yerxa, Lancaster Street.

April 14. "The Druids and the Ancient Celtic Religion," by Dr. F. N. Robinson, of Harvard University. Meeting at the house of Miss Catharine Cook, Appleton Street.

May 17. "The Folk-Tales of the French-Canadians," by Prof. J. B. Greenough, of Harvard University. Meeting at the house of Mrs. J. B. Warner, Brattle Street.

Sarah Yerxa, Secretary.

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