Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 34 (1896).djvu/559

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chiodecton cinferitinm, 262; var. corallinnm, * 263; rufescens, * 262 Chionotlirix latifolia, * 54 Chitral Ferns, 122 Chodat, E., Polygalæ Novæ, 198 Cinchona Pombiana, 96 Clappertonia minor, 429 Clarke, C. B., East African Cypera- ceæ, 224 ; British Cyperaceæ, 415 Clarke, W. A., First Eecords of Bri- tish Plants, 82, 183, 226, 273, 362, 472,507 Clavaria Kewensis, * 153 Clififortia repens, * 392 Clonothrix, 518 Clypeum, * 145; peltatum, * 145 Cœlosphærium confertum, * 382 (t. 361) Coelastrum Morus,* 381 (t. 361) Colaconema, * 8; Bonnemaisoniæ, * 8; chylocladiæ, * 8; reticulatum * 8 Convolvulus macroglottis, 39 ; sagit- tatus var. transvaalensis, * 502 Cooke's 'Introduction to Fungi' (rev.), 186 Cora pavonia, 296 Cosmarium globulatum * 380; mwangadanense, * 379 ; subve- nustum, * 380; trochiscum, * 379 (t. 361) County Records: — Beds, 210, 438 Berks, 328, 366, 369, 370, 434, 479 Brecon, 158 Bucks, 41, 400 Cambridge, 1 Carmarthen, 367 Carnarvon, 291 Chester, 78, 135 Cornwall, 11, 41, 478 [Cumberland, 370, 444] Derby, 46, 369, 370 Devon, 7—11, 291, 384—389, 432, 438,477 Dorset, 7, 9, 10, 369, 385, 432, Durham, 431, 438 Gloucester, 29, 156—162, 368, 438 Hants, 41, 135, 210, 240, 276, 319, 367, 368, 370, 444, 511 Hereford, 155—162, 217, 276 Isle of Man, 448 Kent, 186, 276, 438, 488 Lancaster, 136 Lincoln, 229 Merioneth, 41, 201, 830 Middlesex, 79, 400 Monmouth, 29, 155—162, 480 Montgomery, 158, 172, 511 Norfolk, 511 Northumberland, 8, 11, 478 Oxon, 158, 370 Radnor, 368 Somerset, 7, 95, 319, 478 Stafford, 72 Suffolk. 476, 511 Surrey, 146, 154, 276, 369, 370, 400, 438, 444, 476, 497 Sussex, 7, 89, 399, 479 Warwick, 178, 181, 369, 477 Westmoreland, 241, 366 Wilts, 134, 210 Worcester, 156—162, 179, 367 York, 12, 86, 135, 154, 369, 438, 511 See also First Records; Roses of Herb. Babington ; Salix Lists of London Catalogue Creaghiella, 280 Crepin, F., Rosa de I'Herb. Babing- ton, 178, 212, 266 Orotalaria minima,* 52; trifolio- lata, * 53 Cruoria rosea, 388 Cruoriopsis cruciata, 388; Hauckii, 387 Cyclostomella. 486 Cycnium erectum, * 128 Cynanchum Welwitschii, * 99 Cyperacese, List of British, 415

Dactylostelma, 46 Dasyscypha aurea, * 176 ; Eupa- torii, * 176 ; trabinelloides, * 175 Dating of Periodicals, 168 Derbyshire, Flora of, 46 Desdemona, 140 Desmia, 460 Desmidiesæ, Notes on, 336 Diatoms, Eeproduction of, 318 Displacement of species in New Zea- land, 338 Distegia, 374 Dixon, H. N., Exchange Club for Mosses, 135 ; his Handbook of Mosses (rev.), 513 Dörfler's 'Adressbuch' (rev.), 236 Dolosanthus, 374 Donaldsonia * (t. 355), 53; steno- petala, * 53 Donaldson Smith's Plants, 36, 37, 49, 395 Dothidea Alyxiæ, * 152 Dracaena, Malayan species of, l62; breviflora, * 165; siamica, * 166; singapurensis, * 166; ? yuccæfolia, 168