Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 34 (1896).djvu/565

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  • Towndrow, R. F., Juncus tenuis, 276; Sagina Reuteri, 367
  • Townsend, F., Euphrasia salisburgensis (t. 363), 441
  • Trail, J. W. H., H. M. Drummond-Hay, 133
  • Trailliella,* 10; intricata, * 10
  • Trimen, H., Maldive Plants, 3 ; memoir of (portr.), 489
  • Usnea barbata, 31
  • Vaccinium minodorense,* 355; Oxycoccus, 319
  • Verrucaria æthioboliza, 264
  • Viscum subserratum,*' 504
  • Wahlenbergia polytrichifolia, * 392
  • Wainio, E. A., Lichenes Antillarum, 31, 66, 100, 204, 258, 292
  • Waller, Horace, 190 '
  • Wealden Flora (rev), 232
  • Weathers, J., Bailey's 'Plant Breeding' (rev.), 277
  • Weber van Bosse, A., Sarcomenia miniata,*281
  • West, W & G. S., Notes on Demidieæ,336; Algæ from Central Africa, 377 (t. 361)
  • Wheeler's Fungi Drawings, 96
  • White, J. W., Dorset Plants, 432
  • Whitwell, Wm., Montgomeryshire Notes, 172, 511
  • Wiesnerella, 190
  • Williams, F.N., British Caryophyllacæ, 423; Dates of 'Flore Française,' 431; his List of British Plants, 47
  • Williams, J. Ll., Juncs tenuis, 201
  • Williamson's Plants of Coal-Measures (rev.), 321
  • Willows, British, 39, 461
  • Wulff, T., on Isle of Wight Plants, 240
  • Xylosma Flanagani, * 17
  • Yucatan, Plants of, 142
  • Zeuxine Whiteheadi, * 358
  • Xygella, 140

P. 57, line 4 from bottom, for "Wexford" read "Waterford." P. „ 12, for " Mahgunihy " read " Magunihy; P. 66, 5, for " 1 to 10 " read " 1 to 40." P. 66, footnote, for " I." read " L." P. 72 line 16, for "1884" read "1844." P. 140 from bottom, for " mane" read " manca." P. 142 first par., for " Gaumier " read " Gaumer." P. 172, last line, for " Denbigh " read " Montgomery." P. 198, line 13, for "aculeatum." read "aculeata." P. 398, for "gesnerifolia" read "gesneriflora." P. 413 Under Dyschoriste somalensis should be cited as a synonym Phillipsia fruticulosa Rolfe in Bull. Misc. Inform. 1895, 223, and Ic. Plant. t. 2445. Mr. C. B. Clarke agrees that the plant is a true Dyschoriste. P. 494, line 19, for " 1887 " read " 1892." P. 500, 10 from bottom, for " Psammotropha " read " Psammotrophe,"

See p. 509 for corrections in First Records of British Plants.