Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 9 (1871).djvu/290

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Known with certainty in the Carboniferons tract in one station in Tees- dale. Keported from several stations in the Slate district, but I have never seen either living or dried specimens, and the name is very frequently misa|)plied.

66. Orobanche rubra. One station in the Carboniferous tract on a Limestone scar. Unknown elsewhere.

67. Myosotis alpestris. In the Carboniferous tract in one place on Mickleffcll, in the Inferarctic zone. Unknown elsewhere.

68. Trientalis europ^ea. Unknown in the Porphyry. Scattered widely over the Carboniferous, Oolitic, and Slate hills in the Agrarian region.

69. Polyyouum viviparnm. Unknown in the Oolite and Porphyry. In the Carboniferous tract in Teesdale, Weardale, and Wensleydale in numerous stations over a range in elevation from 200 to 550 yards. In the Slate district known only on the Red Tarn slope of Helvellyn.

70. Rnmex aqiiaticus. Given by Mr. Watson as a plant of the Lake province, but I do not know of any special station among the Lake hills. In the Carboniferous tract, frequent in most of the dales, ascending to 450 yards.

71. Eiupetram nigrum. A common plant over all the four ranges of hill, in each ascending to the highest peaks.

72. Snlix nigricans. Unknown in the Slate tract, hut most likely overlooked. Widely scattered in the dales of the three other tracts.

73. S. phjlicifolia. Abundant in the dales of the Carboniferons tract up to 500-550 yards, but not known in any of the other three districts.

75. S. herbacea. Unknown in the Carboniferous, Oolitic, and Porphy- ritic tracts. In the Slate tract on ten or a dozen of the highest peaks, probably on all those that attain the Inferarctic zone.

76. Listera cordata. Widely scattered through all the four districts, but not known above the Agrarian region.

77. Tofiddia palustris. In the Carboniferous tract plentiful, in Teesdale on both sides of the river through the Superagrarian zone. Not known anywhere else.

78. Juncus triglumis. In the Carboniferous tract in one good station in Teesdale. In three or four places on the Slate hills in the Arctic zone. Unknown in the other two districts.

79. Luzula spicata. Unknown in the Porphyritic, Oolitic, and Carbo- niferous tracts. In the Slate district in two places on Pairfield and Helvellyn.

80. Kobreua caricina. In the Carboniferous tract plentiful on both sides of the river in Teesdale through the Superagrarian zone. Un- known in the three other tracts.

81. Carex dioica. Widely spread in all the four districts through the Agrarian region.

82. C. paucijiora. In the Oolitic tract in two or three places. Un- known in the others, but a very likely plant to be overlooked.

83. C. rigida. LTnknown in the Oolite. In the other three districts occurring on the peaks that reach the Arctic zone.

8'1. C. capillaris. In Teesdale on both sides of the river in the Superagrarian and Inferarctic zones. Unknown in the three other dis- tricts.

85. Sesleria car/ilea. Fi'equent in the dales of the Carboniferous tract, especially in Teesdale, ascending to 800 yards. Unknown in the other three districts.

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