Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 9 (1871).djvu/407

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��been thought necessary. To eflect these salutary changes, we must in- vite the aid of Local Natural History Societies ; and botanists will require to give their assistance in supplying us witii exhaustive monographs of separate genera, or other naturally allied forms.

The following communications were read : — " On the Zones of Conifer cb from the Mediterranean to the Crest of the Maritime Alps." By M. Moggridge, Esq. The following table shows the lowest and highest elevations in feet at which the diflerent species are found : —

��Pinus Pinea P. maritima P. halepensis . Cupressus serapervirens Juniperus phoeiiicia . Pinus sylvestris Abies excelsa . A. pectinata Taxus baccata . Larix europseus Pinus Cerabra . Juniperus communis .





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��The starting-points from the coast embi*aced the line from Monaco to Ventimeglia. "Note on the Therapeutics of FkijaaliH Alki^ken/i." By E. Drummond, Esq. Mr. Drummond states that he is at present engaged investigating the therapeutics of Pk;/iiaH>i, an almost, if not quite, obsolete drug, which is mentioned by Dioscorides. It possesses in a considerable degree the hypnotic power, which is the main characteristic of the Suln- nacefS. It is also diuretic, which, perhaps, is due to its sedative influ- ence, relaxing the spasmodic contraction of the capillary vesse's of the renal system. It had been used in extreme cases of gouty paroxysm with good eflPect. " Notes on the York and Lancaster Rose." By Mr. (Jorrie. This is described by Parkinson in his ' Garden of Pleasant Flowers,' pub- lished in 1656, as Rosa versicolor. The specimen now on the table shows this to be a variety of the R'/sa danuisceiia of Miller; and as its flowers agree with the description there can be no doubt but that it is tli.e true York and Lancaster Jiose, which name is now generally applied to the Gloria-mnndi Rose of the florists, which is of conqiarativuly recent intro- duction, and a variety of the R').'ia (jnllica, or French Rose. " Notes on some Sections of Stems of Welliiiglonia gigantca grown at Linton Park, Maidstone." By Mr. M'Nab. — A letter was niad from Mr. A. Stephen Wilson, in which he stated that he had been occupied for some yo;irs investigating certain points regarding the cereal Grasses, and thouu:lit it not improbable that the infidix loliuni of V^irgil and others included other species of Loliuni, and that the ancient farmers may have mistaken ergotized seeds for natural an(( healthy ones, lie had found this sciison many of the common grasses ergotized, and he intended sowing Lolium temulentnm in the open field, in order to see whether it is us liable to be

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