Page:Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol 1.djvu/443

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On the Ancient Roman Coins.

This coin is doubtless the same as one described by Mediobarbus (page 39) of the 14th year of Augustus. The full inscription would then be C M S A R AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE. And on the reverse, below, or on the exergue, as it is called, "CetL C^ES ARES (Caius et Lucius) AtlGUSTI FILM COS DE8IGNATI PRINCIPES JUVENTUTIS. Type. Duae figUlSC tOga- tse assistentes clypeis cum hastis puris."

Caius and Lucius, the sons of his daughter Julia, and Agrippa, were adopted by Augustus as his successors upon the birth of the latter (16 B. C.) ; were desig- nated principes juventutis at twelve and thirteen years of age, and " Consules post quinquennium," Caius in B. C. 5, Lucius in B. C. 1. The present coin pro- bably belongs to the latter year. The two princes died within four years after.

Fig. 5. |TI C^SAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS. Head of the A. d. 6. 5 emperor Tiberius in good preservation. Reverse. PONTIF MAXIM. Type. A figure seated, (either the emperor, as officiating priest, or Dea Clementia ;) a spear in the right hand, an olive branch in the left.

Weight 60 grs. The silver denarius. — As. Soc.

Tiberius Caesar, the adopted son and successor of Augustus, was made Pontifex Maximus in the seventh year of his reign. Mediobarbus mentions but one silver coin corresponding with this in device ; it must therefore be scarce and valuable.

Fig. 6. 1..ASIANVS AVG COS II. V. P. Head, a good deal a. d. 70. 5 worn. Reverse. SALVS AVG. Type. A female figure standing before an altar, offering food to a serpent. There is no coin of Vespasian in Mediobarbus exactly resembling this in type, and bearing the same date, but the device is common enough. Fig. 7. 7..MAXIMVS CAESAR GER. Head of the emperor A. d. 236. 5 distinct. Reverse. Illegible, probably Princeps Juventutis. Type. An armed youth, standing. C. Jul, Ver. Maximus was nominated Ccesar and Princeps Juventutis at the age of 18, by his father Maximus : he took the title of Germanicus with his father during their campaign in Germany, on the following year, when they were both killed in their tents. Copper and Brass Corns. Fig. 1. > 'i/i f •••AVGVST.' .Well executed head of the emperor. A. D. 14. Reverse, s C [senatus consultu] enclosed in a wreath of laurel. A brass coin, weighing 118 grains, or i oz. ; in value 1 as. None of the coins of Augustus enumerated in Mediobarbus precisely agree with this j those struck by 2 E