Page:Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol 1.djvu/453

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On the Ancient Roman Coins.

Fig. 38.

a. d. 309.

MAXENTIVS PF AUG. Head much worn.

Reverse. CONSERVATORES VRBIS SVAE, beneath iact.

Type. A statue of Roma, seated in a temple of 6 columns.

Weight 105 grs.—the half follis described in Band. II. 154.

Fig. 39.

a. d. 307, 312

CONSTANTINUS MAX AUG. Head with a wreath of jewels.

…… EXERCITUS (gloria exercitus).

Type. Two military standards with armed supporters; some letters below illegible.

lg ' ' } C ONSTANTINUS AUG. Head of the Emperor. A. d. 302. 5 Reverse. PROVIDENTI^E AUGG. Below smante. Type. A gate or arch (castrorum porta, Band. 278) surmounted by two globes, and a star in the centre. Ditto. — Another coin of similar inscription and type. Head laurel- led. Ditto.— CONSTANTINVS MAX AUG. GLORLE X EXERCITVS. Military standard, smans. This coin is reckoned rare by Bandurius, as it bears the Monogram of Christ. Fig 41 7 ' ,' CCONSTANTINVS AVG. Head with plain band. A. D. 335. 3 Reverse. DN CONSTANTINI MAX AUG- Below smna. Med. 468. Type. A wreath enclosing VOT XXX. Weight 60 grs. This coin must be a denarius ceris, coined previous to the introduction of the large copper follis of 240 grs.. Fig. 42. 7CONSTANTINOPOLIS. A juvenile head (of Con- a. d. 330. 3 6tantine junior ?) Reverse. Legend wanting : Victory with outspread wings sitting on the prow of a ship, with spear and shield : below smalr. Weight 40 grs. This piece differs in the epigraph from any enumerated in Bandurius : it is not certain whether Comtantine himself struck any coins in honor of his new capita], or whether they originated with his successors. A. D. 330 is the date of the dedica- tion of the new city. a. d. 330. — VRBS ROMA. Juvenile head helmeted. Reverse. Romulus and Remus suckled by a wolf: two stars above ; below cons© - Coins of the imperial city seem to have been struck at the same period with those of its rival Constantinople, to prevent jealousy between the two.