Page:Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol 1.djvu/582

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Classification of Rocks.

Stratified Rocks.

Superior Stratified, or Fossiliferous.

De la Beche. Improved Wernerian. Conybear.

Omalius d'Halloy, 1830

Brongniart, 1829

Detritus of various eludes P now UC fn a/- I Alluvion, tion ; Coral islands ; Travertino, &c. J 2. Erratic Block Group. 3. Super- creta- ceous Group. 4. Creta- ceous Group. 5. Oolitic Group. 6. Red Sand- stone Group. Transported boul- } ders and blocks; gra- vels on hills and plains, apparently produced by greater forces than those now in action. Various deposits above the chalk, such as, in England, the Crag, Isle of Wight beds, London and Plastic clays. In France, the freshwa- ter and marine rocks of Paris, &c ' 1. Chalk. 2. Up- ' per green-sand. 3. Gault. 4. Lower green-sand. To which may be added, for conveni- ence, 1. Weald clay. 2. Hastings sands. 3. .Purbeck beds. The rocks usually known as the Oolite formation, includ- ing the Lias. 1. Variegated or Red marl. 2. Mus- chelkalk. 3. Red sandstone. 4. Zech- stein ; and 5. Red . conglomerate. Diluvium: Ancient Alluvion. -Tertiary. Superi- - or Or- der. Alluvial and "k -a Lysian >.2 rocks. Clysmian rocks. Tertia- ry rocks. (1. Coal measures. 2. Carboniferous limestone. 3. Old red sand- stone. Secondary Super- Ammo- medial 5- nean Order. rocks. Izemian rocks. Grau- wacke Group. Grauwacke, thick- bedded and schistose, sometimes red ; Grauwacke lime- stones ; Grauwacke . clay slates, &c. (Various slates, fre- quently mixed with stratified compounds resembling those of the unstratified rocks Transi- tion. • • • I Medial. Subme- dial Or- der. Inferior Strati- fied, or. Non- Fossili- FEROUS. Various schistose ") rocks.andmanycrys- j talline stratified "j compounds, such as - (Gneiss, Protogine, Hemi- lysian rocks. No deter- minate order of sition. Primitive, or Pri- {• mary I Inferior Order. Hemi- - lysian rocks. f Volcanic, Trappe- an, Ser- - pentinous, and Grani- tic rocks. Ancient and mo- dern Lava, Trachyte, Basalt, Green-stone, Corneans, Augite & Hornblende Porphy- ries, Serpentine, Di- allage rock, Sienite, Quartziferous Por- phyry, Granite, &c. ") Arranged ' among the stratified rocks, ac- cording to the order in which they are supposed to occur. The same as the im- proved Werne- rian. Pyroi- dal & A- galysian rocks. Agaly- sian rocks. Modern vol- canic rocks, class 'd as pyrogene- ous rocks j igneous rocks of an older date, as Typho- nian.