Page:Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol 19.djvu/557

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1850.] Translation (3f the “ Vic/zilra tha/c.” 529

without profit, and they who promise to save you from Time, cannot save themselves. The wrath of Time is like a raging fire, over which the gods you worship are hanging by their heels, and can they prevent your being treated in the same way? 011 fools I ponder on these seri- ous truths, and be ye sure that without the mercy of Time, naught else can avail ye.

Oh thou egregious animal ! why dost thou not acknowledge the power of Time, which ruleth the universe ?——Time, the Supreme Being, who alone is able to pardon? It were best that ye sin not at all, but if ye must sin, sin for the benefit of others, and putting away all your other faults, fall at Time’s feet. How can it avail thee, that thou prostratest thyself before a stone idol ?

What avail thy reserve, thy fits of abstraction, thy ornaments, thy paint, shaving the hair of thy head, or plaiting it in thick folds? Listen to me from your innermost hearts, for I tell you the words of truth, unless ye diligently search for Time, the giver of all good things, and humbly worship him, ye shall not find him : circumcision is hate- ful to him.

What if ye could turn the regions of the earth into paper, and the seven oceans into ink, every tree into a pen, with Sarasvati to die- tate, and Ganesa to write for a million of years, ye could not gainsay the simple fact, that excepting by entire submission to Time, ye can- not get his mercy and pardon, or please him in the least.


How doth God exhibit his merciful Power? By causing dumb people to preach the Scriptures ; by enabling cripples to climb moun- tains ; by making blind men see, and deaf men hear!


A worm like me cannot reveal

Thy might, which thou alone dost know. Who hath ever seen his sire born?

Who can explain thy mysteries?

Thou createdst thine own greatness! Which no mortal tongue can describe. Thou alone knowest thine own mercy, None can exalt, none lower thee.