Page:Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol 19.djvu/559

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Translation of the “Vichz'tra Natal.”

Virtuous and good, were call’d gods.
And those, who perform’d bad actions
Were denominated, devils.
Were I to tell, of all that happen’d
My volume w0uld exceed in bulk.
Enough! there were many Rajz’ts
From whom sprung celebrated Daksh.
He reared ten thousand daughters
0f beauty, not to be surpassed.
These, by Time’s indulgent favor
Were married all, to Rajés.
Binata, Kadrfi, Dit, Adit,—
All four, to Rikki were married
From whom proceeded Gadudas,—
The tribes of snakes, gods, and devils;
They also, the sun did produce,
From whom at numerous offspring came,
Whose names, were I to detail them,
Would make my work prodigious.
The tribe of Rag’h, so by the world call’d,
From the sun, lead its origin.
And Aj, was the son of Raghfi,
He was great and cherish’d the earth.
When, becoming absorb’d in God,
He gave his kingdom to Dashrath,
Who also, favoured his people,
And woo’d, and wedded three Virgins.
These bore him, Ram, also Bharat,
Again Latchman, and Shattr Ghan,
They lived for many years, and when
Their days were numbered, passed away,
Sita had two sons, who were kings,
And ruled, with wisdom and justice,
These married two lovely maidens,
From Madrdésh,* and both were devout;

  • figafl the ancient name for the Punjab.