Page:Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol 7, Part 1.djvu/528

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Proceedings of the Asiatic Society.

ed the proposal of the Earl of Munster on the part of the Roy. As. Soc. to complete the English translation of the Persian DabistAn of which the late Captain Shea had done ahout one third when he died. Major Troyer had translated the whole into German whilst in Calcutta ; he will be occupied on the English version and the editing of the whole, next year. M. Burnouf Sec. Paris Asiatic Society announced the receipt of the Society's Journal of June containing the pillar alphabet, and the sensation it had created among the learned : " Le jour ou je l'ai recu j'allais a l'academie ; quoique ce savant corps ne pr£te son attention en ce moment qu' au Grec et a. l'Arabe, j'ai demand^ la parole, et j'ai trouve" de la erve pour exposer tout ce que vous veniez de faire, de beau et de grand par votre decouverte. J'ai ete" ecoute" avec une religieuse attention, et je sais que la communication a fait quelque effet Chose singuli&re! j' avais deja fait des essais infructueux sur la copie du VII vol. des As. Res. : j' avais huit letties, mais m' etant trompe" lourdement sur U et ne sachant que faire de J_ je n' avais pu passer ontre .... Votre J_ est un veritable trait de vive lumiere qui a rendu a ce caract&re le m£me service que le n des inscriptions cuneiforraes trouve par Rask. J'ai communique" votre lettre a M. Jacquet que venait, peu de jours avant, de recevoir une masse d' insci'iptions de Girnar exactement dans le caract&re que vous avez dechiffre si heureusement. II s'est mis avec empressement, et il vous ecrira lui lneme." Some correspondence with the Secretary of the Geological Society of London was read, relating to a missing No. of their Transactions. Read a letter from M. G. Vrolik, Secretary to the Royal Institution of Sciences and Arts at Amsterdam, proposing an interchange of publica- tions and presenting its transactions as far as published. Resolved, that a suitable return be made of such vols, of the Researches as remain in store, (from vol. 12 to vol. 20.) Mr. J. Minchin, Secretary Madras Literary Society, and Professor Daniell, Sec. Roy. Institution of London, acknowledged presentations. Library. The following books were presented : The Sankhya Karika, 1 vol. 4 to. — by the Boy. As. Soc. Or. Trans. Com- mittee. List of the Members of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, corrected to the 31st of July, 1837 — by ditto, Histoire des Sultans Mamlouks, £crite en Arabe par Makrizi, et traduite en Fran9ais por M. Quatreme're, Tom. I. 4to. — by the same. Institutiones Linguae Pracriticse, by Dr. Christian Lassen, Professor at Bonn, the 3rd fasciculus — by the author. Nieuwe Verhandelingen der Eerste Klasse van bet koniklijk, Niderlandsche Institut van Wetenschappen, Letterkunde en schoone kunsten (Parts I. II. III. IV. V.) Amsterdam, 1827 — 1836 — by the Amsterdam Royal Institute. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, Vol. II. Part I., London, 1836 and Journal, — by the Society. The following by the Statistical Society of London. Tables of the Revenue, Population, Commerce, &c. of the United Kingdom and its Dependencies, Parts III. IV. V. each with a Supplement, folio, London. 3 834—37. Catalogue of Parliamentary Reports, 1696 —1834, ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, 15th August, 1834. Report, Vaccine Board, ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, 28th August, 1833. General Statistics of the British Empire, by James M' Queen, Esq. London, 1836. Statistical Journal and Record of Useful Knowledge, for October, November and December, 1837, London.