Page:Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol 7, Part 2.djvu/251

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PEUi BudThi.tical Annak

princes. MA’YA’: she Is destined to be my mother.’ And on inquiring how tang she had yet to live, he found that was only ten months and seven days. “Hating thus meditated on the five principal points, he signified his aqulearcase In the prayer of the dwaSd In those word.. • Blessed! the tlise has arrived fee my assuming Bnddhohood;’ addiag ‘do ye depart,’ he sent away those difwetd; and attended by the dioetd of Tseiuepars, he entcred the NeaAaaa grove in 1—’ep... “In all the Dêwaldka, there I., moat certalaly, a Ndesm grove (in each) whorda JwatS hover about, thus Invoking (such .1 the ddmetdas are about to die): ‘by meditating on the reward of thy former acts of piety, when from hens. by death, may ye attain a happy destiny.’ He (the Buddho elect) in like manner surrounded by the dEmote who were calling his former acts of piety to his recoli.etion, while wandering there, expired; and was conceived In th. womb of the grist MA’YA’, under the asterism of UttrdsolM. At the Inatnat at this great pseasarge being conceived I. the womb of his mother, the whole of the ten thousand Chalk.. weicni simultaneously quaked, and thlrty.two miraculous Indications were manifested. For the protection as well of the Buddho elect, who had been thus conceived, as of his mother, four dEmotes with sword Ia band, mounted guard. “Unto tbe mother of the elect carnal passion was extinguished: she became exalted by the gift vouchsafed to her. Enjoying the most perfect health, and free from fainting fits, (usual In pregnancy) she was endowed with the power of aedag the elect In her womb, as It were a thread which is past through a transpareat gem. “A womb In which a Buddho elect has rep..ed 1. as the sanctuary (in which cbs relic Is enshrined) In a clieiiye. No human being can again occupy it, or use It. that account the mother of a Buddho elect, dying on the seventh day after the birth ,f the elect, Ii regenerated In ZbsQapura. Other women give birth to their okaprisg, some before the completion of ten months, and some after their completion, seated or lying down. With the mother of a Buddbo elect, It ii not so. She I. delivered, after having cherished the elect I. her womb for precisely tea months. Such Is the peculiarity of the mother of a Buddho elect. “The great princess KA’vA! having cherished the elect ton months in her womb. I. her pregnant state, longing to repair to the city of her own family, thus applied t. the rdja SUODHODAN0’ (her husband)’ Lord I I long to repair to the city of DJ15. dalE.’ The rdja signifying his consent by saying ‘ sfidhu,’ and ordering the rood I. be sinoothened from Kapilopara to Dtwedahesegard*, and to be deseratmi with arches of plantain trees and areca flowers, and wIth foot cloths, do.; and placing the queen In a newly gilt palanquin, with great splendour sad prestige, dlap&tch. ed her. “Between those two cities there is a ball of recreation situated ii the bi.j w. dernes., resorted to by the Inhabitants of both cities. At thi, time, the whie of the tot eat trees, from the stein to the top of the branches, were covered with bios. sam. On beholding this hlooming forest, resembling the Nomime genT. of dimotd, ringing with the melody of the sweet-toned kU., which enchant the sense., from amidst the branches and clustering fr,it of the forest, like unto the chants of the celestial songstreascs, the queen became desirous of besportliig in that wilderness. Tb. officers of state having reported (this wish) to the rija, (by his command) escorting the queen, they catered the wilderness. She, repairing to the foot of the gal tree, at which sports are usually held, was seized with the desire to Isy hold of a branch of that tree, which was straight, smooth, round, and garnished with blossom, fruit and young sprouts. That branch, as If powerless, yet gifted with comlission, bending down of its own accord, placed itself near the palm of her baud. She then laid hold of that branch with her beauteous hind, which was cc-