Page:Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol 7, Part 2.djvu/560

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Oriâ* toes ieIer.eai mile. £. m left, mid passing thröagl .past of th. U*gbol tatrItoTy : the third day, the 24th, 1 reaehed ther,He. if IVglue..a’oa hank, of thp rabmiuee, abeet two mile. east of Nmdu.’vs. Th.â I. a ,ery mit temple here, dedicated to Nagwoilo the name if lage lea eu.tuu Of tins tide. There is an wIimiriindthp Sn. 5unt. pheed within the temple which i very smelL 1 wan natipörmiRed to as. it, and wa infOrmed that the gveatw part of it was dbliterated From Nagieese I proceeded the following morning to Chw,dy4I village surrounded with the rieheet cultivation, end close on of th, river, on. the alhiviaa deposit. .1 - which there. is .•entat*lve tobacto cukivutlos ; it 104)pIiJeS the narkats of C.trook, E.drwjk1, a n,_. . My neat march was to thelaige town of kau.cpiir, lik.wleeon The Of the river: the caitivathm Is equally goad. Many merchant. snide her.; t trod. is timber, cotton, tobacee, oil .aedj and ether products of the forests. I remained during the heat of lb. dayhe iNu place,- mid in the evelng ploce.ded by dank Wwend, Galcuka. I rriv4d to the fOkarth day aftei having trelled ho4en than mUle. frwin She 28rd of February to the aOth of March. I howeveribel *eai fily i’eØid for the fatigue endured, tral, from bering been ealhlqd te reinspect the DkaeJi imeripticet: aiId eccuodly, In hsrI b.ew é fortunate ii todiacever tueb exteasive fiCkle of eCel? abáwe wMuh. Iran ereireqieallypleotiful. It I. to heboped that the day is natr di.bat whel, these valuable ibinerela may be turned to good acaø.InL.