Page:Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol 7, Part 2.djvu/562

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Pqe the great, di.eowry C.mre. A., on Buddhism,.. 142 of name of.- r5s • on work. f TIdbit,.. 147 4r6iuli. ipede. of. 781 Cypdd, ale now spede•ofj-.... 941 Asiatic Sod.ty, proceedings of, 87, Baud -Patrac, origin of,.... 17 167, 283, 364, 456. 567, 663, 74L DIITWW0WD, Capt. H., en 829.615. 205 mieesofKaeaon,..., .954 *aia, coin. and r.ljc, of. 1047. flnrgp, aSSISh afthqtample to .. sit .1. IL, ,hit Ia ti Niti .wozen, M. P., botanlco-agel. pam, br. .-.. ala - calturalaea20t*fthsOlhL0I1es, 751 W. B.,onlaed and freah. EVAN, Dr. G., on a-sped.. of water shell. . III Annie • 782 - en the amdd.aot -—,oa the 21.w’1-danter- Galnth.a, . 420. - pillar . ;788 jItAIT Capt.*.W , Oa Illa..• - - vaaann. Ran. R, qn the revol.noon pirate, . 976 Hon of the Samoa., . 181 kotadomagnicelt.rd account .1 GIth,. antties of . i... .499 the SIkII State... • 75 Geography of the Keels eaenat.hj.. ft -hcat nb.ceeed 1., -.. $03 - vi pajLGt J4d q4Iitaueoua heating of, .. 1014 pierfaee . —. 1027 SOwN, Capt. W., on temple at Girafe, huh trams Of, .. .. 680 Illieni . 429 Glrnar, laamI$o. ftam 219, - MS Jhiddhlun, diforeat systems .1, .. 14$ Gold washing ..611, 6?5 a&hara, weights, emamurc. and Qniim., W., on —5oié tree, 131 coin. of $92 Gunaina, C., on &lumWt,.... ‘103 vawns, Capt. A., on the .R.g RAMM.a, .7. Von, a trinalatlon ‘ -1tuwaI, 394 froath.SlohIt,by L ,. the Shah. HASNAY, Capt. 2. O.- on lb. Ji6ib,-.. 325 Sloa Monab sect, 671 - - - ,oa ‘Iba spool. Haresa, Dr., on .iaa..edmcod, IeI eec.. .f coal 848 , on animal prOdnetlea. of ,RT, Capt.T. S., laceriptios. from the Tent.. provl5*e 686 I the d.ehl*bp., .......... ... 861 - Hc.aprotodea gonna of Hlppope -‘, 0s Delhi Iron mama., lOss I pilIaz 629, ancielt temple at, labui, weighti, .ca*ie. sad cobs - MOn.eaw, H. H., On the pheasant I of, - 892 from’ bat, (alutcbmie tree, repenteR 132 HurrIcan, of the pth*prit, 208,.. 3 letarpflTArfroui7ewZeaIand 787 HuTToN. 1k. T., en the Rimati. - AOilKY, Capt. P T., on (emil yan Vattare eagle 7 20 Giraffe,-.- 658 ,onlnad and freak wat Cbach,ezpedltloe of 93 ahefla ott coal level ha th Indian leld . £5 bde.Chlaes. language, . . 65 f.— table of 197 In.erlptlon from Coma pore.-... . ft 4-.—, dlq.ovcred In the Teaa..emlm - ______ from Hakergsaj *0 prorhreea, 791 - . from l.ka,4e1 ‘ —,-—, Dldjeogerh, 839 on Jalaimages, Ii I—, ten apetimea. freen Capt. ——--—on Olmar ro*, 259, 665 Buuwgu, 848 on Arracan belt, . —- bed. of Aisam, 946 ——, Glrar, dud J.]aaU,.. nSa 4—i of Sylbet 959 — --—- from Aowaataa*a,...... 454 of Heliar 964 - ______• Jltabauver slab, 857 (ochlncbtaa. geography of 317 — from 6iac4 top., ... 562 p.1.. Of Cabal and Bukhmama, ...,, - spt ———. on DaIM Ire. pIllar... 629 and robes of Bedim, 1047 on Tainba Patra,.. ... 736 1— ancient Hindu, from Joo- near the -Teiftple 0€ Rn- [per and Oeei. • 1062 - *oadeeaat Wartogat, .. ......... 901 po.* Debar, hlqery. Of,. ... ... -. .1 - -— oa Tamba Palms from permin.aofKaamaoii1.;;. 934 Kalia ..u-i.’9O8, 966