Page:Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol 7, Part 2.djvu/65

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Note.—Since the accompanying page was printed off, I have received a letter from Captain CUNNINGHAM who, having Dr. LORD’S coin under his eye, is convinced that the reading Kanlodice is erroneous. He was first struck with the slanting stroke of the letter N being placed in a wrong direction. (N. B. This is not the case in Mr. MA850N’s drawing of the coin, whence the engraving was exactly copied. There was nothing therefore to raise suspicion of its correctness in my mind, as the sealing-wax impression had been flattened by the journey, over half of this very name.) On minuter examination the first stroke of the supposed N appeared to Captain CUNNINGHAM to be detached from the rest. He therefore read it as the i of KAI and the remainder then became very clearly AAOAIKHI the genitive of a genuine Greek female name.

I have not the smallest doubt that Captain CUNNINGHAM is right, although in the sealing.wax impression before me, the IA are actually joined below, and there is no cross stroke to the A of AAOAIKHL

My speculations therefore of the Indian origin of EUCRA TIDES’ mother fall to the ground; and the reader is requested to pass over thcm. The unregal station of his parents still remains a matter of probability, on the grounds urged in the text.