Page:Journal of the First Congress of the American Colonies (1765).djvu/14

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the difficulties to which they are and must be reduced. by the operation of the acts of parliament for laying duties and taxes on the colonies, and to implore reliefi I Resolved by this assembly, That Eliphalet Dyer, David Rowland, and William Samuel Johnson, Esqrs., or any two of them, be, and are hereby appointed commissioners, on behalf of this colony, to repair to New-York, to attend the proposed congress, in the matters above referred to; and his honor is hereby desired to commission them accordingly.

A true copy, examined by

Gnonon WYu.Ys, Secretary.

At a general assembly of the governor and company of the colony of Connecticut, holden at Hartford, by special order of his honor the governor of said colony, on the 19th day of September, Anno Dom. 1765. Instructions to the commissioners of this colony, appointed to meet commissioners from the other colonies at New-York, on the first Tuesday of October next.

GENTLEMEN: You are to repair to the said city of New-York, at said time, or at the time which, according to the intelligence you may receive of the convening of the other commissioners, it may appear to you seasonable and best, to consult together with them on the present circumstances of the colonies, and the difficulties to which they are and must be reduced, by the operation of the acts of parlia7 ment for levying duties and taxes on the colonies, and to consider of and prepare a general and united, dutiful, loyal and humble representation of their condition to his majesty and the parliament, and to implore relief; &c. In your proceedings you are to take care that you form no such junction with the other commissioners as will subject you to the major vote of the commissioners present.

You are to inform the governor and general assembly at