Page:Journal of the First Congress of the American Colonies (1765).djvu/16

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of you, for and on behalf of this colony, to repair`to the said city of New-York on the first day of October next, or at the time which, according to the intelligence you may receive of the convening of the other commissioners, may appear to you seasonable and best, to confer and consult with them or such of them as shall be present upon the convening, the matters and things before mentioned, for the purposes, aforesaid, wherein you are to observe such instructions as you have received, or shall further receive from the general assembly of the said colony of Connecticut, agreeable to the important trust reposed in you. Given under my hand, and the public seal ofsaid colony of Connecticut, within the same, the twenty-first day of September, in the fifth year of' the reign of our sovereign lord George the third, of Great Britain, France and Ire# land, king, defender pf the iaith, &c., Anno Doniini, one thousand seven hundred and sixty-Eve.

Tnons FITCH.

By his honor'svcom1nand.

Gnonan WrLLvs, Secretary.

From the colony of New- York, Robert R. Livingston, John Cruger, Philip Livingston, William Bayard, Leonard Lispenard, Esqrs.

Appeared, and informed the congress that since the above letter from the speaker of the house of representatives of Massachusetts Bay, the general assembly of New-York have not had an opportunity of meeting, but that they confidently expect, from the general, sense of the people, and such of the representatives as they have had an opportunity of speaking to, that when the assembly does meet, (which will be probably very soon) the congress will be approved, and a regular committee for the purpose appointed; in the meantime they think themselves in some measures authorised to meet the congress, by the following vote, viz: