Page:Journal of the First Congress of the American Colonies (1765).djvu/25

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chusetts Bay, laid laid before them on Friday last-and, debate arising thereon, and some time spent therein, Ordered, That the said letter be referred to a committee of the following gentlemen, viz: Capt, Gadsden, Mr. Wright, Mr. Gaillard, Mr., , Mr. Parsons, Mr. Pinckney, Colonel Lawrence, Mr. Rutledge, Mr. Manigault, and Mr. Drayton.

Friday, 26th July, 1765.-Captain Gadsden reported, from the committee appointed to consider of the letter sent from the speaker of the house of representatives of the province of Massachusetts Bay to the speaker of this house, and to report their opinion thereon of the expediency and utility of the measures therein proposed, and the best means of effecting the relief therein- mentioned. That they are of opinion the measure therein proposed is prudent and necessary, and therefore recommend to the house to send a committee to meet the committees from the houses of representatives or hurgesses of the several British colonies on the continent, at New-York, on the first Tuesday in October next.

That the said committee be ordered to consult there, with those other committees, on the present circumstances of the colonies, and the dirhculties which they are and must be reduced to, by the operation of the acts of parliament for levying duties and taxes on the colonies; and to consider of a. general and united, loyal and humble representation of their condition to his majesty and the parliament, and to implore relief; that the result of their consultation shall, at their return, `be immediately laid before the house, to be confirmed or not, as the house shall think proper.

And the said report being delivered in at the clerk's table and read a second time, the question was severally put, that the house do agree to the first, second and third