Page:Journal of the First Congress of the American Colonies (1765).djvu/32

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committee to prepare an address to his majesty, and lay the same before the congress on Monday next,

Voted also, that John Rutledge, Edward Tilghman, and Philip Livingston, Esqrs., be a committee to prepare a. memorial and petition to the lords in parliament, and lay the same before the congress on Monday next.

Voted, also, that Thomas Lynch, James. Otis, and Thomas McKean, Esqrs. be a committee to prepare a petition to the house of, commons of Great Britain, and lay the same before the congress on Monday next.

Then the congress adjourned to Monday next, at 12 o'clock.

Monday, Oct. 21st, 1765, A. M-The committee appointed to prepare and bring in an address to his majesty, did report, that they have essayed a draught for that purpose, which they laid on the table, and humbly submitted to the correction of the congress.

The said address was read, and, after sundry amendments, the same was approved of by the congress, and ordered to be engrossed.

The committee, appointed to prepare and bring in a, memorial and petition to the lords in parliament, did report that that they had essayed a draught for that purpose, which they laid on the table, and humbly submitted to the correction of the congress.

The said address was read, and after sundry amendments, the same was approved of by the congress, and ordered to be engrossed.

The committee appointed to prepare and bring in a petition to the house of commons of `Great Britain, did report that they had essayed a draught for that purpose, which they laid on the table, and humbly submitted to the correction of the congress.

The said address was read, and after sundry amend-