Page:Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Georgia 1849.djvu/132

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House of Representatives.

Three o'clock, p. m.

The House met pursuant to adjournment.

Leave of absence was granted for a few days to Mr. Robinson, of Macon, on account of the indisposition of his family; also to Messrs. McDougald and Worrell for a few days, from and after Saturday next; also to Messrs. Carlton, Johnson of Coweta, Neal, Clark, Reynolds, Faver of Troup, and Wilcox, for a few days on important business.

The following bills of the House were taken up and severally read the second time, and committed for a third reading:

A bill to amend the several acts now in force regulating the fees of magistrates and constables, so far as relates to the county of Chatham, and to provide for the mode of collecting the same.

A bill to amend and change the sixth section of the third article of the Constitution of the State of Georgia, so as to give to the people the election of the Clerk of the Court of Ordinary.

A bill to regulate the pleadings and evidence in cases where the plea of usury may be filed, and for other purposes.

Also, a bill to protect the people of this State from vexatious prosecutions in cases where grand juries have refused, or may hereafter refuse to find true bills.

Also,a bill to suspend the present militia laws of this State, and to provide for and encourage the raising of volunteer companies in each county, and for other purposes therein mentioned.

Also, a bill to incorporate the Marshallville Academy and appoint trustees for the same.

Also, a bill to make the site of the public buildings for the county of Marion permanent in the town of Buena Vista, and to incorporate said town.

Also, a bill to be entitled an act to add a part of the county of Muscogee to the county of Marion, and for other purposes.

On motion of Mr. Wooldridge, it was referred to the Committee on Petitions; and on motion of Mr. Wooldridge, Mr. Bivins of Marion was added to that Committee.

A bill to pardon Sampson Brazil, a convict in the Penitentiary of this State.

Also, a bill to regulate the fees of Attorneys and Solicitors General, and for other purposes therein specified.

Also, a bill to prohibit lessors in ejectment being made parties without their consent, and the use of fictitious names in ejectment suits.

Also, a bill to revive and amend an act entitled an act to