Page:Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Georgia 1849.djvu/45

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journal of the

who may wilfully injure the same, which was read the first time.

Mr. Walker, of Richmond, introduced a bill to exempt from levy and sale certain property therein mentioned, which was read the first time.

Mr. Walker also laid upon the table the following resolution:

Resolved, That the Speaker proceed to appoint the usual standing committees and report the same to this House, which was read.

The rules of the House having been suspended, the resolution was taken up and agreed to.

Mr. Snelling, of Stewart, introduced a bill to establish certain additional election precincts in the county of Stewart, which was read the first time.

Mr. Tucker, of Stewart, introduced a bill to change the name of Richard L. Grimes, of Stewart county, to that of Richard L. Prather.

Also a bill to perfect service of Scire Facias on absent defendants, in case of dormant judgments, which were severally read the first time.

Mr. Tillman introduced a bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the Rising Sun Lodge, of Reidsville, Tatnall county, which was read the first time.

Mr. McDonald, of Ware, laid upon the table the petition of sundry citizens of Ware county, praying the formation of a new county, which was referred to a special committee, consisting of Messrs. McDonald, Carter, Villalonga, Shaw and McLeod, without being read.

Mr. Wiggins, of Twiggs, introduced a bill to be entitled an act to alter the mode of choosing the door-keepers and Messengers for the Senate and House of Representatives, which was read the first time.

Mr. Gartrell introduced a bill to be entitled an act to alter amend and explain the first section of an act passed for the relief of co-securities, and assented to the 22d of December, 1840.

Also, a bill to be entitled an act to change the names and legitimatize certain persons therein named. Also a bill to be entitled an act to regulate the admission of deeds in evidence in -certain cases therein mentioned, which were severallv read the first time.

Mr. Dubignon laid upon the table the memorial of A. Delaroche, of Camden county, which was referred to a special committee, consisting of Messrs. Dubigon, Worrell, Harris, of Clark, and Villalonga, without being read.

The following bills were taken up, read a second time and referred to a committee of the wnole.

A bill to be entitled an act to provide for the election of Judges of the Superior Courts, by the soveieign people of