Page:Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Georgia 1849.djvu/61

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journal of the

THURSDAY, Nov. 15th, 1849.

The House resumed the unfinished business of Tuesday, which was the consideration of the amendment of Mr. McDougald, to strike out the word "public printer," in the resolution offered by Mr. Morris, of Franklin, bringing on certain elections therein named.

Pending the discussion thereon, the following message was received from his excellency the Governor, by Mr. Smith, his Secretary:

Mr. Speaker—I am directed by his excellency the Governor, to lay beforefthis branch of the General Assembly, a communication in writing.

Also, the following message was received from the Senate, by Mr. Glenn, their Secretary:

Mr. Speaker—The Senate has appointed the following as the Joint Standing Committees, on its part:

On the State of the Republic—Messrs. Murphy, A. J. Miller, Leonard, Clark, Chisolm.

On Finance—Messrs. Spullock, Clayton, Bailey, Cochran and Augustus Beall.

On Banks—Messrs. Andrew J. Miller, Tomlinson, Purse, Stell and Dunham.

On the Military—Messrs. Bird, Woods, Moseley, Thomas, Johnston and Rawls.

On the Judiciary—Messrs. Bailey, Sanford, Terrell, Joseph E. Brown and John Jones.

On Internal Improvement—Messrs. Purse, Clayton, Spullock, Elias Beall and Murphy.

On Printing—Messrs. John Jones, McBee, Hines, Grubbs, John W. G. Smith.

On Public Education and Free Schools—Messrs. Chisolm, Elias Beall, Blackshear, William Jones and Long.

On the Penitentiary—Messrs. Joseph E. Brown, Micajah Johnston, Ferrell, Gonder and Cochran.

On the Lunatic Asylum—Messrs. Ira E. Smith, Anderson, James R. Smith, Dunham and Bryan.

On Privileges and Elections—Messrs. Clark, Rawls, Love, Quarterman and Turner.

On Petitions—Messrs. Long, Napier, Eberheart, Edmondson and James E. Brown.

On Enrolment—Messrs. Stell, Woods, McRea, Thomas Johnston, and Moseley.

On Journals—Messrs. John W. G. Smith, James A. Miller, Edmondson, Turner and Hines.

Also, the following message from the Senate, by Mr. Glenn, their Secretary: