Page:Journal of the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks.djvu/483

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Jan. 1771


South Sea. Malay. Java. Prince's Island. English.
Matia Mata Moto Mata An eye
Maa Macan Mangan To eat
Inoo Menum Gnumbe To drink
Matte Matte Matte To kill
Outou Coutou A louse
Euwa Udian Udan Rain
Owhe Awe Bamboocane
Ooma Sousou Sousou A breast
Mannu Mannu Mannuk A bird
Eyea Ican Iwa A fish
Uta Utan Inland
Tapao Tapaan The foot
Tooura Udang Urang A lobster
Eufwhe Ubi Uwe Yams
Etannou Tannam Tandour To bury
Enammou Gnammuck A muscheto
Hearu Garru Garu To scratch
Taro Tallas Talas Cocos roots
Outou Surgoot The mouth
Eto Tao Sugar-cane
South Sea. Malay. Java. Prince's Island. Madagascar.
1. Tahie Satou Sigi Hegie Issa
2. Rua Dua Lorou Dua Rove
8. Torou Tiga Tullu Tollu Tello
4. Haa Ampat Pappat Opat Effat
5. Ruma Lima Limo Limath Limi
[1]6. Whene Annam Nunnam Gunnap Enning
7. Hetu Tudju Petu Tudju Fruto
8. Waru Delapan Wolo Delapan Wedo
9. Heva Sembilan Songo Salapan Sidai
10. Ahourou Sapoulou Sapoulou Sapoulou Scula
11. Matahie Sabilas Suvalas
12. Marua Dubilas Roalas
20. Tahie taou Duapoulou Rompoulon
100. Rima taou Saratus Satus Satus
200. Mannu Duaratus Rongatus
1000. Lima mannu Sereboo Seavo Seavo
2000. Mannu tiné
  1. N.B.—In the island of Ulhietea 6 is called ono. [Note by Banks.]