Page:Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, Volume 1 (2nd edition).djvu/249

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Captain Beechey's Voyage.
Miatea Peak on it 1432.3 Trig. m.
Beering's Strait Cape Lisburn 849 Dip of the sea.
Kotzebue Sound Chamisso Island 231 Ditto.
{{{1}}} Hill N. of Spafarief Bay 616 Ditto.
Society Islands Peak with a hole (Eimeo) 404.1 Trig. m.
San Francisco Angel Island 900.7 Barometer.
{{{1}}} Deviation (Balbones) 378.3 Trig. m.
{{{1}}} Yerba Buena Island 513.8 Ditto.
{{{1}}} Hill at Yerba Buena Cove 467.2 Ditto.
Island of Assumption, Ladrones. Summit of the Cone 2096 Ditto.
Botel Tobago Xima Peak at W. Angle 1817 Base at sea.
{{{1}}} Peak at N.E. Angle exceeded this altitude by about 30 feet.
Loo Choo Onnodake Mount 1089 Trig. m.
{{{1}}} Abbey Point 98.4 Dip of the horizon.
{{{1}}} Kumi Head 99.8 Ditto.
Petropaulski Villeuchinski (Sugar-Loaf) 7374 Trig. m.
{{{1}}} Avatcha Mountain, N. by E. of the town 1149.1 Trig. operation on shore.
Cape Lisburn Flint Station 849.3 Dip of the horizon.
Kotzebue Sound Hill N. of Spafarief Bay 616 Ditto.
{{{1}}} Chamisso Island 231 Ditto.
Port Clarence High Snowy Mountain 2596 Trig. m.
San Blas Commandant's House 141 Dip of the horizon.
{{{1}}} San Juan Paps 6216 Trig. m.
Calima Mount 1200.3 Ditto.

Fossil Bones.—The supposed discovery of fossil bones imbedded in the ice of Escholtz Bay, in West Georgia, had excited much interest among naturalists, both on account of the antiquity which it gave to ice formations, and the light which such a discovery was calculated to throw on the state of the climate of the arctic regions at the time when they were thickly inhabited by genera of the largest quadrupeds. But (as before observed) the visit of the Blossom to these shores has demonstrated that the supposed ice formation is only a casing occurring on the face of a cliff, of from twenty to eighty feet in height, and rising inland to a rounded range of hills, between four and five hundred feet above the sea. The geognostic structure of these cliffs is a bluish-coloured mud or clay, corresponding in character to our