Page:Journal of the Sixth Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan.djvu/125

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Feb. 28.]

superintendent of Indian affairs. That the Indian population now living on the peninsula of Michigan is inconsiderable; and a great majority of that population being about to be removed, as is understood, it is suggested whether the services of a superintendent will hereafter be required on this peninsula. Influenced by this view of the duties of the Executive, as well as by the number of citizens of this Territory—a number which is rapidly increasing—your memorialists would respectfully solicit for the citizens of this Territory the privilege of electing the Governor of the said Territory, and for such term as Congress may appoint.

Mr. Ranwick moved to refer the said proposed amendment to the committee on the judiciary, to report on the same at the next session of the Council.

The yeas and nays being demanded on this motion, it was decided in the negative, as follows:

Yeas: Messrs. Durocher, Hascall, Millington, Satterlee, Stockton—5.

Nays: Messrs. Bacon, Britain, Doty, Farnsworth, Martin, Moran, Renwick, M'Donell, president—8.

On motion of Mr. Stockton, the memorial and proposed amendment were laid on the table.

The bill to amend "An act to regulate Highways," approved April 17,1833, and the bill to provide for making necessary alterations in territorial roads, were read the second time by their titles.

The engrossed bill to amend the act entitled "An act to establish circuit courts in certain counties, and to define their powers and duties," was read a third time and passed.

The engrossed bill to establish branches of the Bank of Michigan, the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank of Michigan, and the Bank of River Raisin, being read the third time,

Mr. Stockton moved, that the said bill be printed.

The yeas and nays being demanded on this motion, it was decided in the negative, as follows:

Yeas: Messrs. Millington, Moran, Renwick, Satterlee, Stockton, M'Donell, president—6.

Nays: Messrs. Bacon, Britain, Doty, Durocher, Farnsworth, Hascall, Martin—7.

Mr. Stockton moved to fill the first blank, in the first section with the words "one million of dollars," and Mr. Millington moved to fill it with "900,000 dollars." Both motions were disagreed to.

On motion of Mr. Martin, the said blank was filled with the sum of "350,000 dollars.

On motion of Mr. Doty, the second blank in the first section was filled with the words "3500 shares."

On motion of Mr. Doty, the blanks were filled in the second