Page:Journal of the Sixth Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan.djvu/156

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March 5.

vide for the assessment and collection of territorial taxes," was read the third time and passed.

The engrossed bill to incorporate the Detroit Co-operative Association being read the third time,

Mr. Farnsworth moved that the said bill do pass.

And the yeas and nays being demanded on this motion, it was decided in the affirmative, as follows:

Yeas: Messrs. Doty, Durocher, Farnsworth, Hascall, Millington, Moran, Stockton, M'Donell, president—8.

Nays: Messrs. Bacon, Britain, Martin, Renwick, Satterlee—5. So the bill was passed.

On motion of Mr. Hascall,

Resolved, That the vote of yesterday, on the passage of the bill to incorporate the Macomb county bank, be reconsidered, and the further consideration of the said bill postponed to the next session of the Council.

The Council adjourned to 3 o'clock.

[afternoon session.]

Mr. Moran on leave granted, introduced

A bill to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the assessment and collection of township and county taxes."

The bill was read the first and second time.

Mr. Stockton, from the committee on Territorial affairs, to whom were referred the papers in relation to a survey and alteration of the territorial road from Monroe to Detroit, moved that the committee be discharged from the further consideration of the same, and that the clerk of the board of supervisors of the county of Wayne have leave to withdraw the said papers.

Mr. Doty, from the committee on incorporations, to whom were referred the petitions for a bank at St. Joseph, and for a charter for the Pawpaw Manufacturing Company, made unfavorable reports on the said petitions.

On motion of Mr. Britain, the reports were ordered to lie on the table.

Mr. Britain gave notice, that he should, on a future day, ask leave to introduce a bill to incorporate the Pawpaw Manufacturing Company.

On motion of Mr. Hascall, the rule requiring the Council to resolve itself into a committee of the whole on bills, was dispensed with for the present, and the bill to change the name of the Pontiac Academy was read the third time and passed.

On motion of Mr. Hascall, the bill to incorporate the Detroit and Pontiac Rail-road Company was considered in committee of the whole, amended, and the amendments concurred in by the Council.

On motion of Mr. Hascall, the bill was further amended by adding to it the following as section 24: