Page:Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. (IA mobot31753002412044).pdf/170

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Baba. Chinese. Malay. English.
Kaudu malicious
Kek-ki keh-khí irritate
Kek-sim ke̍k-sim broken-hearted
Kiam-chai kiâm-chhài salt vegetables
Kiasai sin-kiáⁿ-sài bridegroom
Kichiak khit-chia̍h beggar
Kimpo kīm-pô wife of maternal grandmother's brother
Kimpocho kim-pô-tsó͘ ancestors of above
Kionghi kiong-hí congratulations
Kitang kí-tāng (?) tea cup
Kmantin pngantin bride or bridegroom
Ko ko͘ father's sister
Komba (Port.) dove
Kongsi kong-si company, firm
Kopo ko͘-pô great paternal aunt
Kotoa khò͘ toà woman's purse
Koyok ko-io̍h medicinal plaster
Ksiat khasiat power, virtue
Ksian kasehan pity
Kuchai kú-chhài leeks
Kueh tiau ké-tiâu vermicelli
Kueh chang ké-tsàng rice in bamboo leaves
Kui kūi to kneel
Kuli po ku-lí-pô female servant
Kuntau kun-thâu boxing
Kuping tlinga ear
Kusin ku-sîn aphis
Lanchak anchak offerings to spirits
Langkan làng-khang space round chimche
Lapeⁿ lâu-pîⁿ terrace roof
Lngkat lkat to stick
Locheng lô, cheng bell (in Chinese two kinds of gong)
Lo'chuan liok-chhoàn a silk fabric
Loki ló͘-kí Cantonese prostitute
Loteng lâu-téng upstairs
Lsing ali-ali sling
Lu thou
Mek me̍hⁿ nadi pulse
Mertua mntua father-in-law, mother-in-law
Mingkin makin more
Mnimpi mimpi dream
Mnjela jndela window
'Mpek ng-peh father
Ng-chek ńg-chek uncle