Page:Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (IA journalof495019071908roya).pdf/120

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When the last seed falls into a hole in which there are other seeds, these are taken and the player continues in play, and should the last seed fall into the player's "house" she also continues in play, taking the seeds from any hole in her "village."

When no more seeds remain in a player's "village" she is said to be "once defeated" (kalah sa-papan). She may however, take any seeds there may be in her "house" and place them again in the holes in her "village" putting 7 in a hole as before. Should any holes be left empty they are called "ruined wells" (telaga burok) and the player owning "ruined wells" must wait until her opponent is dead before playing again.

The game goes on in this way until a player has lost all her seeds. She is then "utterly destroyed" (mati kena abu). Skeat, who calls the game "chongkak," gives a short descripion of it in his "Malay Magic."