Page:Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (IA journalof535419091910roya).pdf/283

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Portingalles. Here also by the Iland of Manar hath been the famous fishing of Pearles which within theise 8 or 9 years. is whollie decayed, so that for this presente there is nothing to bee done. The Dutch haue their men lying att Candie but do nothing, neither doth this land vent any forraine com- modities, saue onlie some Course Lawnes, which in great abundance are brought to them from Negapatam by the Calenders and Chulias whoe for their returne bring from thence fiue Matts and Cinamon Arecas, ffor the Cinamon cometh most parte. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The Discription of. . . . . . . . . . . . of Coromandell

This Coast of Coromandell according to the Common Computation of the Chulias and Portingalles beginneth at Negapatam and stretcheth to Casincotta in Ozira; In this Coast of Coromandell or Chulia mandell bee two principall Kinges, the one of Narzinga or att this presente of Velour, which beginneth at Negapatam and endeth at Carick, or Montepoli: The King of this Countrie is called Wencapeti Raija, the other kingdome beginneth from Montepoli vnto Cassimcotta and is called teligana or Badaga whose King is called Cotobaxa, the one beeing a Gentile the other a Moore each of them haueing their sundrie Lawes, manners and goverment which breiflie to recite, wee will first bogin with ye King of Velour.

The Discription of the kingdome of Norsinga alongst the Coast of Coromandell.

The King Wencapati Raïa beeing a Gentile deceas- ed in October 1604 aboute the age of 86. yeares, hee was