Page:Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (IA journalofstra13141884roya).pdf/373

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Gambier (the inspissated juice of Nauclea gambir, an astringent used in dying and tanning), the cultivation of which has met with such success in the neighbouring state of Sarawak, pepper, tea and coffea arabica, have all been proved suitable, and sago which is indigenous to the country would largely repay for planting in the low lying grounds at the entrances to rivers.

Jungle Products.

Especially is this country rich in natural jungle products, such as gutta percha, india rubber, camphor, canes, and an infinite variety of useful and ornamental woods, including the valuable bilian (iron-wood) and ebony.


The camphor of Borneo, (Dryobalanops camphora) is noted for its peculiar medicinal properties, and is highly valued by the Chinese, who will give, according to the variation of the market, from twenty to forty dollars a pound for the best.

Borneo, with its natural advantages in waterways, should export its timber largely to China, and no doubt when labour becomes more abundant, this will be the case.


A market for firewood has been already established in Hongkong, and the supply of mangrove which is unequalled for this purpose, is practically inexhaustible, and can be obtained without any difficulty. The bark of this tree, which has to be removed in its preparation as firewood, has its own special value as producing a reddish dye much used by the Chinese.

Edible Birds' Nests.

Another valuable and increasing product is the edible