Page:Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (IA journalofstra15161885roya).pdf/322

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abouts the gambling game of "Wha Hoey" was carried on in Penang and Province Wellesley and owing to the calamity and suffering caused by this abominable game the Police were then forced to take active measures for its suppression; and owing to the heavy fines (sometimes up to $ 3,000) and the rigorous impri- sonment imposed on the "Wha Hoey" keepers by the Magistrates caused terror and consternation amongst them, since then it has been discontinued until within the last year or so, when it has re- opened and increased with re-doubled vigour.

In consideration of the above-mentioned representation to your Excellency and others the Houourable the Members of the Legis- lative Council, your Memorialists request, implore and pray for your kind view and deliberation of this subject and beg that you will cause inquiries to be made as to the fact of the present des- cription of "Wha Hoey" and that it may please The Honour- able Members of Council to take steps in the meantime to issue such orders as to prevent "Wha Hoey" gambling and gradually to pass an Act or Ordinance for the purpose of totally putting a top to this ruinous gambling game of "Wha Hoey" which is daily sapping the earnings, energy, and comfort of poor coolies, women, well to do men. of good society and in good business and pecuniary circumstances, and children.

And your Memorialists as in duty bound will always pray, &c.

(Signed) GHO AIK GHO, and others.

Dated at Penang this 30th day of September, 1885.