Page:Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (IA journalofstrait121878roya).pdf/129

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such expressions as the following occurred; I ardently long for his blood to clean my face blackened with charcoal," the original Malay expression (a quotation from the Sijara Malayu) is "membasah-kan arang yang ter-chonting di-maka."

4. Apa guna-nia merak mengigal di hutan?

"What is the use of the peacock strutting in the jungle?"

The idea is that the beauty of the bird is thrown away when exhibited only in a lonely spot where there is no one to admire it. In Klinkert's collection there is a proverb conveying a what similar idea, "Apa-kah guna bulan trang dalam hutan, jikalau dalam negri alungkah baiknia?"

Why does the moon shine in the forest? Were it not well that her light should be bestowed on inha-bited places?

5. Ada-kah buaya itu menolak-kan bangkei?

"Will the crocodile reject the carcase?"

Is it likely that a good offer will be refused?

6. Ayam beruga itu kalau di bri makan di pinggan mas sakalipun ka-utan juga pergi-nia.

"Though you may feed a jungle-fowl out of a gold plate it will make for the jungle nevertheless."

This is one of many proverbs illustrating the impossibility of cradicating natural habits. Another version is, upama kijang di rantei dengan mas, jikalau iya lepas, lari juga iya ka hutan makan rumput, "like a deer secured with a gold chain, which if set free runs off to the forest to eat grass." (Favre). Compare the following which is too elaborate, I fear, for a genuine proverb. It is more like a successful metaphorical effort by some Malay scribe;

7. Adapan buah pria itu kalau ditanam diatas balus sagu dan baja dengan medi, lagi di siram dengan manisan, serta di letak-kan diatas teba, sakali-pun apabila di masak pahit juga.

"You may plant the bitter cucumber on a bed of sago, and manure it with honey, and water it with treacle, and train it over sugar canes, but when it is cooked it will still be bitter."

8. Anak anjing itu bulih-kah jadi anak musang jebat?

"Can the whelp of a dog become a civet eat?"

The translation, but not the original, is given in Newbold