Page:Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (IA journalofstrait121878roya).pdf/229

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ments of the dancers more free and even abandoned. For the latter half of the dance they each had a wand, to represent a sword, bound with three rings of burnished gold which giltered in the light like precious stones.

This nautch, which began soberly, like the others, grew to a Bacchante revel until the dancers were, or pretended to be, possessed by the Spirit of Dancing "hantu menari" as they called it, and leaving the Hall for a moment to smear their fingers and faces with a fragrant oil, they returned, and the two eldest, striking at each other with their wands seemed inclined to turn the symbolical into a real battle. They were however, after some trouble, caught by four or five women, who felt what the magic wands could be made to do, and carried forcibly out of the Hall. The two younger girls, who looked as if they too would like to be possessed but did not know how to do it, were easily caught and removed.

The Band, whose strains had been increasing in wildness and in time. ceased playing on the removal of the dancers, and the nautch was over. This was after 5 a. m.

The Bandahara who had appeared about 4 a. m. told me that one of the girls, when she became "properly" possessed, ate nothing for months but flowers, a pretty and poetic conceit.

In saying good bye we asked if we might, as I understood was customary, leave a present for the performers, who I should have mentioned were part of the Bandahara's own household.

He consented seemingly with pleasure, and we left him for our boat just as the day was beginning to break.

By the time we had got our traps together the sun had risen and was driving the night fog from the numbers of lovely islands which stud the river near the town.

We got into our boat, shoved off, and thoroughly tired lay down on the thwarts and in 10 minutes were fast asleep; only waking when we reached the "Pluto" at 7.15 A. M.