Page:Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (IA journalofstrait341879roya).pdf/31

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mounts his pulpit or throne on the North of the altar, and orders Ban-To-hong and Ban-To-liong to guard the "Ang Gate"; Tan-Teng-seng and Ten Ki-ia to the "Hall of Sincerity and Justice"; Go Kim-lai, and Go Hoan-ji to the East Gate of the City of Willows." Each of these Generals is presented with a small triangular warrant flag, (95) which is stuck behind his head; and a sword or "iron plank."

Chiang Kiet-hin with the water of the "Sam-ho" or three rivers, is ordered to take up his station in front of the Pavilion, Kiet Ban-pu and Bau Bun-beng, each being armed with a sword, are sent to the Two-planked Bridge."

The "Red Boy," (his face well rouged and a circular frame as a halo, round his head) armed with a spear, is posted at the "Red furnace," and old Chia Pang-heng is stationed to sell fruit in the "market of Universal Peace."

The guards being set, an alarm is given from the "Ang Gate," outside of which the candidates are squatted on their hams, waiting admission.

The Master, Tan Kin-lam, orders the General of the main body, Tun Thieu-hoai, to go out and see the cause of the aların; in a short while Thien-hoai returas, saying:—

"May it please the worshipful Master, the Vanguard General Thien In-ang is without, having the secret sign and password, and he humbly begs an interview with the Five Ancestors."

The Master having granted permission, the Sien-Hong or Vanguard, enters the gate, and having repeated the appropriate verse at each barrier, passes into the city, and falls prostrate before the altar.

The Sien-Seng then catechises him thus.

Q. "The five ancestors are above, but who is this prostrate beneath me"?
A. "I am Thien Iu-Aug of the Ko-Khe Temple"
Q. "What proof can you shew of this"?
A. "I have a verse, as a proof"
Q. "What is the verse?"
A. "I am indeed Thieu Iu-Ang, bringing myriads of new troops into the City."
"That they to-night in the Pear Garden may take the oath of brotherhood."
"The whole Empire desires to take the surname Ang."
Q. "For what do you come here?"
A. "To worship the Thien Te-hui."