Page:Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (IA journalofstrait341879roya).pdf/33

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"To overturn the Chheng and restore Beng is the duty of all good men."

"And their sincerity and loyalty will at last be rewarded by rank and emolument."

The catechism is continued to the length of 333 questions,[1] to each of which the Vanguard must give suitable answers and verses, describing the history and ceremonial of the Society. It is really astonishing to hear a clever Sien Hong give every answer and verse correctly, without referring to a Book, or requiring any assistance from the Master, who has the Ritual before him on the altar.

This part of the ceremony lasts nearly an hour, during which time the Vanguard is kneeling before the spirits of the five ancestors, who are supposed to have descended into their tablet on the altar.

The Sien-Seng now addresses the Sien-Hong as follows.

"Having thoroughly examined you, I find that by your satisfactory replies, you have proved yourself to be the real Thien Ju-ang; the five ancestors graciously accept your answers and petition, so kotow, and return thanks for their benevolent condescension.'

The vanguard having performed the "Kotow," returns thanks as follows.

"I humbly thank the pure (Beng) spirits of our live ancestors, and beg that they will assist the Ang children to slay the Chheng. To-night having been permitted to have an interview with the five Founders, I have a firm hope that the spirits will help us to restore the great dynasty of Beng."

The Master then says; "I now present you with this precious sword and a warrant; all the candidates who are found to be faithful and sincere, you may bring within the City to take the oath of fidelity; but those whom you may find to be tratoirs you must take outside the Gate, and behead." Presenting the sword and warrant flag, he repeats this verse.

"The five Ancestors present you with this sword and commission.
"To be worn on your person while collecting material of war.
"And whilst gathering the brethren from within the Four Seas.
  1. See the "Hung League."