Page:Journals of Several Expeditions Made in Western Australia.djvu/197

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ACCOUNT of a short EXCURSION from Albany up French River, by A. Collie.

February 9th, 1832.—After crossing King's river at the usual wading-place of the natives, leading a small pony that sunk so deep in the mire as to render it very doubtful that a heavier horse would get over, the following bearings were taken from station A. on the east side of the lowest north bight of the river.—(see Fig. 2 on accompanying Map.)

Willyungup broke a summit
280°. 15'
A high sloping bank at the bottom of Oyster Harbour, formed by the southern extremity of a conspicuous hill (a)
105. 45
A lower elbow west of the former (b)
Point Henty (c)
North part of bend of river, where there is a prominent large stone (d)
27. 45
Middle of southern elbow (e)
182. 45
Conspicuous bare rock near the middle of the higher part of the slope of Pakeillerup
118. 30
Western bend of river (f)

On the western side of the hill before mentioned, at the bottom of Oyster Harbour, in a place about one-eighth of a mile from the beach, the bearings hereafter noted were taken:

Garden Island 185°.
Low extreme of eastern side of entrance of Oyster Harbour
The northernmost high projection on the