Page:Journey to Pennsylvania.djvu/40

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called his own was sold and even taken away from his body. He would even have been sent to prison, or been compelled to sell his children, had he not been saved by my intercession by Captain Von Diemer, who always had a kind and tender regard for Germans. Said Captain Von Diemer provided Mr. Daser and his family for mercy's sake until the end of his litigation with victuals, money, beds and shelter, at the same time giving security for him, so that Mr. Daser remained free from the debtors' prison. Before my departure Captain Von Diemer promised Mr. Daser and me with hand and mouth that, as long as he lived, he would help provide for the Daser family and their needs. Mr. Daser dined with us 8 weeks and slept with me, but his many sad reverses have made him quite desponding and half crazy. Shortly before my departure his two oldest daughters and his oldest son were compelled to bind themselves in writing to serve 3 years each.

I avail myself of this opportunity to relate a few remarkable and most disastrous cases of shipwrecks. In the year 1754, on St. James' day, a ship with some 360 souls on board, mostly Würtembergers, Durlachers and Palatines, was hurled by a gale in the night upon a rock between Holland and Old England. It received three shocks, each accompanied by a tremendous crash,