Page:Jovial rantin' Highlandman.pdf/7

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Ye Nymph that ſat on Logan plains,
And did ſing in ſo mournful ſtrains.
There's news in town your heart will raiſe,
An' mak' you blythe on Logan-braes!
The French have come to peacefu' terms,
An' Britain's laying down her arms,
An' your brave lad has chang'd his claes,
An's coming hare to Logan-braes:

Reſolv'd hereafter to abide
With you, at hame, by Logan ſide,
To herd the ſheep, an gather flaes,
An' cheer his laſs on Logan braes.
Sae now be blythe, ye'll come nae mair
Alane frae either kirk or fair,
But wi' your lad, in lo'eſome gaze,
Will paſs the time on Logan-braes.

Nae mair you'll need to herd your lane,
Since your dear lad is now come hame;
Nae mair he'll need to face his faes,
Or ſtay from thee or Logan-braes.
Now Logan ſtreams will run ſae ſweet,
They'll fill your heart with joy complete,
When your dear lad will crown with bays
His bonny laſs on Logan-braes.