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terror of the sound of his weapons, moreover for his might and valour they cannot meet his eyes on the field of battle; again he is very steadfast to the faithfulness of his engagements, and does not change from anything which he has promised , and he is very affectionate and friendly, and at no time does he cease to be so, nor sever from his friends; may such friendship and affection never change as long as there is still the light of the moon and stars and the alternation of night and day for ever and ever. After that, be it known unto Johan Maetsuijker, Governor General , that the Pangeran Ratu is sending Wangsa Yita to Batavia and then to Java to trade, taking with him a certain quantity of merchandise, entrusted by Pangeran Ratu to the care of Johan Maetsuijker, Governor General. If perchance there should be any mistake or ignorance on the part of Wangsa Yita and the people that are with him, let them be treated with care and affection by Johan Maetsuijker, Governor General, and the Council of India. Again the Pangeran Ratu begs that a few iron or brass cannon may be sold to him, of the weight of a babar or two pikuls; as to the price of them Wangsa Yita has been informed. And may his return to Jambi be hastened, in order that the Pangêran may quickly receive favourable news. There is no token whatever of sincerity and friendship from the Pangeran Ratu to Joban Maetsuijker, Goverror General, except twenty pikuls of pepper. Finis.

(In Dutch.) Letter from the Pangêran Ratu at Jambi, received the 30th April 1669, by Wangsa Yita .

F.—Letter from the Raja Bendahara Paduka Sri Maharaja of Birni (?) to the English Captain at Jambi.

‫سورة اخلاص يغ تياد برفتوسن مسرا يغ تياد برانتار ترغ چواچ نتیاس‬


‫درود بیت راج بندهار فادک سري مهاراج فرمیسوار دنك‬



  1. This is the Javanese nityasa , which is from the Sanskrit nityaça. The Malay form of the word is sentiasa, or senentiasa.
  2. The question of whether this word is Brunai or Birni has been discussed in the introductory remarks.