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His wife attempting to assist him, seized the blade of the kris, and she showed me the two fingers, minus the tops, where it was dragged through her hands. Johor has the mark where his scalp was laid open by the blow from the spear, while his arms are scored with the marks of the cuts he received in warding off the stabs. Suddenly be bethought him of the Tumboh Lada (small dagger) in his belt, and drawing it be thrust it into the bowels of his assailant, who fell dying. All this though it takes some time to write, took place very quickly, and the man at the back door, who had been simply gazing at the struggle, on seeing his friend fall, rushed in. Johor seized his gun, which was standing loaded against the wall, but before he could get it up to fire, the stranger seized the muzzle, and a fierce struggle ensued for the possession of it. With a quick suatch however, Johor succeeded in dragging it from him, and shot him through the stomach, and killed him also. "Allah Tuan," said Johor, "Habis t'lahi rumah saya, macham orang potong kribau".

Asking him why this attack was made on him, he explained that these men were relatives of one of the Perak Rajahs, who had taken an active part in the war there, and were fleeing from the wrath to come, to Kelantan. They had crossed over from Perak, and made their way down the Telom, and being hard up, and hearing that Johor owned a couple of guns, they made up their minds to kill him, steal his guns and boat, and take his wife and children to sell for slaves in Kelantan, The next day, coming down to Kuala Medang, I was shown the place when the bouse originally stood, in which this affair took place.

W. Bertrand Roberts.